Students upset Mrs Mops

This morning the Daily Post has got the story about the university’s manual workers not getting paid because the computers in Senate House can’t be got at; plus an irate response from one of the local Tory MPs:

Many cleaners at Liverpool University got a shock when they received their pay packets yesterday. For instead of their normal wages they received only a small advance and a brief explanation  – the sit-in students have disrupted the system.  One angry woman cleaner, who refused to give her name, said:

“I work part-time in one of the halls of residence, and because the sit-in students have not let the office staff into the Senate, we have not been paid our wages […] What use is it, a man bringing home £3 to feed his wife and family, instead of his normal wage?” […]

Mr John Tilney, Conservative MP for Wavertree, last night hit at the university authorities for failing to curb student disorder.  Tilney who attended Magdelan College, Oxford, declared:

“In my day, those who offended against the law or did no proper work were rusticated.  It seems to me nowadays that some university dons are too frightened to say boo to anybody, and therefore allow anarchy and disorder”.

Author: Gerry

Retired college teacher living in Liverpool, UK.

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